The role of the ASR Nederland Continuity Foundation (Stichting Continuïteit ASR Nederland) is to promote and protect the interests of a.s.r., the business connected with it and its stakeholders, and repressing possible influences which could threaten the continuity, independence, strategy and/or identity of a.s.r. or the business connected with it. Should the interests of a.s.r., the business connected with it and its stakeholders, or the continuity of a.s.r. be affected, the Foundation can - provided that certain conditions are met - exercise a call option right, especially granted for this purpose, for as many preference shares equivalent to 50% of the nominal share capital minus one share.
The ASR Nederland Continuity Foundation has an independent board. The composition of the board of the ASR Nederland Continuity Foundation is as follows:
Mr. J.W. Winter (Chairman)
Mrs. M.E. Groothuis
Mr. R.J. van de Kraats