In the story of a.s.r. the strengths of the organisation and culture of a.s.r. and Aegon Nederland together form the strategic priorities, vision and core values of our new organisation.
a.s.r. wants to be the best financial services provider for customers and advisors. We offer customers simple and transparent products and services that meet their sustainability needs. We work closely with advisors who know our customers’ personal situations well and can give them the best advice. We also offer customers the possibility of arranging matters for themselves in our digital environment, quickly and easily, with personal contact if needed. We are not satisfied until customers and advisors rate our products and services as above average.
In 1816, the Onderlinge Brandwaarborg-maatschappij Woudsend U.A. set up. The principle of the mutual insurance company was something new at that time. The insured parties stood surety for each other in the event of damage. In 1950, the name Woudsend changed to N.V. Insurance Company Holland-Woudsend. Results deteriorated in the late 1960s. Woudsend ended up in the red and started looking for a partner. It was found in the city of Rotterdam.
ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) meets all the conditions set for the transaction to combine business activities of a.s.r. and Aegon Nederland. The Consumer & Market Authority has approved the new combination and the Dutch Central Bank and the European Central Bank have also issued a statement of no objection. The works councils of a.s.r. and Aegon N.V. (Aegon) had previously issued a positive opinion. Now that the transaction has been finalised, a.s.r. will start combining operations.