The story of a.s.r.

In the story of a.s.r. the strengths of the organisation and culture of a.s.r. and Aegon Nederland together form the strategic priorities, vision and core values of our new organisation. 

We are a.s.r., the Dutch insurance company for all insurance products. a.s.r.’s raison d’être is to help people. If we can do that well, we will have a healthy future. a.s.r. is one of the largest insurers in the Netherlands. Our customers are mainly private individuals, self-employed persons and small and medium enterprises.
Our mission is to help customers insure risks that they are unwilling or unable to bear themselves, whether this involves damage to a car, home or home contents, medical expenses, funeral costs or an income when someone is temporarily unable to work. We also offer mortgages and banking services. In addition, a.s.r. provides services for people wanting to build up assets for later or for retirement, or who require asset management. 
a.s.r. helps with services and products that are not only good for now, but also for the long term, with future generations in mind. We make a difference by offering as many sustainable choices as possible. a.s.r. does it - for now, later and always.
At the heart of our strategy is long-term value creation for our key stakeholders: customers, employees, society and shareholders. 
We are ambitious: we want to become the pensions player in the Netherlands, a leading mortgage lender and a leader in sustainability. We also see opportunities to strengthen our position and grow further in property & casualty, disability and asset management in the coming years, based on value over volume. In health, life and funeral, we want to maintain our current position. We want to expand our role in the chain with our distribution and service companies. 
We are cost-efficient and financially sound. We handle the money that customers entrust to us with care. a.s.r. must be financially strong in order to meet our obligations and ensure our continuity for our customers and employees. We offer shareholders the prospect of a fair return. 
a.s.r. does it

a.s.r. wants to be the best financial services provider for customers and advisors. We offer customers simple and transparent products and services that meet their sustainability needs. We work closely with advisors who know our customers’ personal situations well and can give them the best advice. We also offer customers the possibility of arranging matters for themselves in our digital environment, quickly and easily, with personal contact if needed. We are not satisfied until customers and advisors rate our products and services as above average. 

a.s.r.'s rich history begins in 1720 with the start of the N.V. Maatschappij van Assurantie, Discontering en Beleening der Stad Rotterdam. But the foundation of our current organisation was laid in 2000 with the merger of Fortis AMEV and ASR Group (consisting of De Amersfoortse, Stad Rotterdam Verzekeringen and Woudsend Verzekeringen).