Sponsorship and donation policy

The raison d'être of a.s.r. is to help people. We assist people in sharing risks and building wealth for the future together. As a major insurer, a.s.r. aims to contribute to solving societal issues. We identify three strategic themes where we can make the most impact. These themes guide the choices a.s.r. makes, including in its sponsorship and donation policy.

Strategic themes
Sustainable living and climate

Climate change and biodiversity loss pose significant risks to our customers, our business, and society at large. Therefore, we reduce our footprint and invest in activities that support the energy transition and restore biodiversity.

Vitality and sustainable employability

There is increasing attention to health and vitality, partly driven by societal developments. a.s.r. focuses on preventing illness, absenteeism, and disability, and strives to help people work longer and healthier, thereby contributing to society. As a partner of the Koninklijke Wandelbond Nederland (KWbN) and main sponsor of the Avond4daagse, a.s.r. helps make a healthy lifestyle more enjoyable, inclusive, and accessible.

Financial self-reliance and inclusion

As a financial service provider, a.s.r. believes it is important for people to have financial continuity in their lives and to be able to take responsible risks and make conscious financial choices. For some people, this is not easy, and they need help. a.s.r. aims to help prevent people from falling into debt or assist them in getting out of it. a.s.r. has an extensive social program called Doenkracht, which contributes to a financially aware, self-reliant, and resilient Netherlands. For now, later, and always.

Sponsorship and donations
a.s.r.'s sponsorship and donation policy is cautious. Only sponsorship requests of a social nature that align with a.s.r.'s strategic themes can be honored. a.s.r. applies the following conditions:
  • The sponsorship goal aligns with at least one of a.s.r.'s three strategic themes.
  • The application meets the following conditions:
    • The request is intended for a charitable organization that holds a CBF quality mark and/or 'register of good causes' certificate (ANBI); and
    • includes a description and/or argumentation of why the application fits within a.s.r.'s sponsorship and donation policy; and
    • includes a reason and/or motivation for the sponsorship request; and
    • includes the desired contribution from a.s.r.; and
    • the sponsorship application includes:
      • Name and position of the person, organization or institution submitting the request
      • Phone number and email address o the contact person
      • Any relationship of the requesting organization to a.s.r.
Not eligible for sponsorship or donations:
  • Organizations or projects that serve only individual interests
  • Organizations or projects that discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, religion, gender, disability or age
  • Organizations or projects associated with politics, legislation, lobbying and/or matters directly or indirectly exploited for the benefit of a government official or closely related person of a government official. a.s.r. does not make gifts or political donaations and does not offer events to political parties or candidates for political office
  • Organizations or projects whose supporters, participants or organizers promote or exhibit offensive behaviour
  • Individual athletes or teams

Only requests submitted via the application form (in Dutch) and meeting the conditions will be considered. However, this does not guarantee that the request will be honored, even if it meets the conditions. a.s.r. does not discuss reasons for rejection.

In the event of a humanitarian crisis, the Management Board of ASR Nederland N.V. may decide to respond to a call for financial support, possibly linked to a contribution from employees, even if there are no connections with the strategic themes. Additionally, as a major employer in Utrecht, a.s.r. may make an exception to the policy by providing financial support to Utrecht initiatives that contribute to the livability and promotion of its home city.

Contact information