news and press News Workload general practitioners and medical assistants can be significantly reduced through use of hybrid care
News Utrecht 28 October 2024 14:00 EU/Amsterdam

Workload general practitioners and medical assistants can be significantly reduced through use of hybrid care

Research by Arts en Zorg shows that the use of hybrid care can significantly reduce the pressure on general practitioners and medical assistants because up to 75% of care questions can potentially be answered online. 

In that case, the number of telephone contacts decreases by 70%, allowing medical assistants to devote more time and attention to patients in the practice. Additionally, physical appointments decrease because many care questions can be answered via chat. a.s.r. and Arts en Zorg aim to reduce the workload in general practices through the use of hybrid care, creating more time for patients who need physical care and increasing the job satisfaction level of general practitioners and medical assistants again., the hybrid care concept of the Arts en Zorg Group, combines digital and physical care, offering a complete alternative to the traditional general practitioner that people currently have. Through the app, patients can chat and video call with a general practitioner. If physical care at the practice is desired, an appointment is scheduled at the local general practice via the chat.

Because the digital layer relieves the pressure on the practice, this hybrid form of general practice care also offers the possibility to reopen for new registrations. This way, they can, if desired, contribute to keeping good care accessible and available.

Thomas Oremus, Director of Health at a.s.r., says: ‘We see that half of all Dutch general practices experience a shortage of medical assistants. This results in high workloads, with some practices even having to stop accepting new patients. By helping to further develop, a.s.r. aims to contribute to a sustainable solution. We believe that the combination of online and physical care offers many possibilities for both healthcare professionals and patients.’

Patients can speak directly to a general practitioner via the app, even outside the regular opening hours of the practice. They do not need to make an appointment for this. For insured persons, they can use the app as soon as their local general practice is connected to is currently active in 7 municipalities and is working towards nationwide coverage.

Leontien Molenaar, Medical Director of ‘By combining digital care with physical care at the practice, we keep care accessible, safer, and responsible. It is great to see that the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate is also particularly positive about our hybrid approach. From staff to accessibility and from medication safety to digital care provision, all signals are on green.’



Health Care