news and press News Coram Pensioenfonds transfers pensions to a.s.r.
News Utrecht 03 December 2024 13:00 EU/Amsterdam

Coram Pensioenfonds transfers pensions to a.s.r.

a.s.r. will take over Coram's accrued pensions. This was agreed between Pensioenfonds Coram and a.s.r. a.s.r. will increase accrued pensions once by 3.5%. Thereafter, a.s.r. will increase the accrued pensions annually with a guaranteed supplement.

asr gebouw met heide-daktuin

With this so-called buy-out, Pensioenfonds Coram chooses security for the over 800 participants in the pension fund, now and in the future. Insuring the accrued pension entitlement means that participants have certainty about the amount of benefit received in the future.

Coram is a broad-based organisation operating globally in sanitary and plastic injection moulding. Pensioenfonds Coram has assets under management of €68 million. The pension fund has been a closed pension fund since 1 January 2022 and chose to transfer its accrued pensions to a.s.r. because of the annual indexation offered to pension fund participants and a.s.r.'s support in managing investment risks ahead of the transfer.

Willem van den Berg, COO Life at a.s.r: 'We are proud that Pensioenfonds Coram chose a.s.r. and happy to welcome their 800 participants. With the transition to a.s.r., the uncertainty about the new scheme has been removed for the fund and participants will have a guaranteed pension scheme with unconditional indexation.'

The transfer of accrued pensions has taken place as of 30 October 2024. The transaction has no material impact on the Solvency II ratio and organic capital creation of ASR Nederland NV.
