news and press News a.s.r. recognized as most progressive in home improvement with the Green Lotus Award
News Utrecht 06 October 2022 11:00 EU/Amsterdam

a.s.r. recognized as most progressive in home improvement with the Green Lotus Award

It was announced at the HypoVak that a.s.r. receives the Green Lotus Award this year. This prize is awarded to the mortgage lender who, according to the consultancy firms and jury, is the most progressive in the field of sustainable home improvement.

Today, during the HypoVak, the networking event for mortgage advisers and financial planners, it was announced that a.s.r. had won the Green Lotus Award 2022. Besides a.s.r., ABN Amro, Florius, Obvion, Lot Hypotheken and Woonnu were also among the contenders.

The jury’s comments showed that a.s.r. was chosen partly because of the policy that a.s.r. encourages sustainability for all houses, regardless of the energy label, and does not give a discount to houses that already have a sustainable A-label.

Neriman Polat, Funding & Distribution manager at Mortgages, is pleased that a.s.r. was chosen by the advisers and the expert jury. ‘The prize is a great recognition for the sustainable policy that we have been pursuing for a long time and in which we have a real impact on the energy transition. We give substance to this, for example, with our Sustainability Mortgage (“Verduurzamingshypotheek”), which was introduced in 2019. This spring, we were the first lender to offer a Sustainability Mortgage directly to existing customers as well. This lowers the threshold for finding financing for making housing more sustainable. Recognition of the Green Lotus Award encourages us to continue on our chosen path.’

More information on the Green Lotus Award by InFinance
At the initiative of the professional magazine InFinance, the Golden Lotus Awards are presented annually within the mortgage market. A new category has been added since 2021: the Green Lotus Award, a prize for the most progressive lender in the field of home improvement. Unlike the Golden Lotus Awards, the Green Lotus Award has a second round of voting and a jury assessment. a.s.r. was already nominated last year.

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