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News Utrecht 21 January 2021 10:00 EU/Amsterdam

a.s.r. shows the most progress in Europe with women in top positions

Gender diversity at the top of European businesses is far from a reality, according to the European Women on Boards Gender Diversity Index 2020. A survey of the largest European companies in the STOXX 600 index reveals that a mere 28% of the available positions on management boards and supervisory boards are held by women. Only 6% of the companies have a female CEO. Ranking 7th, the Netherlands has an average score. a.s.r. is at the top of the list of companies that have shown the most progress.

The countries that score best are Norway, France and the United Kingdom. The Netherlands, as in 2019, occupies an average position. Striking in this respect is the underrepresentation of women in supervisory boards. On the other hand, the Netherlands scores better than average with 8% when it comes to female CEOs. Improvements can also be seen on an individual company level. Of the companies that were also assessed in 2019 (23 out of 26), 78% did better, with a.s.r. being the big standout. 

At a.s.r., two-thirds of the Executive Board and one-third of the Supervisory Board are women. This means that a.s.r. has shown the most progress of all participating companies in Europe when it comes to gender diversity at the top of the business community.
Ingrid de Swart, COO of a.s.r.: ‘More women in senior positions attracts other talent. That is important, because diverse teams produce better results. It is a question of awareness and then actually doing it. The Talent to the Top Boardroom Coaching programme proved to be an effective tool. All participants made a substantial career step within two years and a considerable number actually obtained a boardroom position.’ 

The mission of European Women on Boards is to increase gender diversity at the top of European businesses. EWoB does this by sharing good practices, playing an active role in the public and political debate, and contributing to the development and empowerment of women. EWoB is supported by organisations in the various European countries, such as Talent to the Top in the Netherlands. For more information on the European Women on Boards Gender Diversity Index 2020, please visit the website.

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