news and press News De Amersfoortse is vanaf nu asr
News Utrecht 20 April 2021 09:25 EU/Amsterdam

From now on De Amersfoortse is a.s.r.

a.s.r. has decided to discontinue the De Amersfoortse brand. From today, income and health insurance policies for self-employed persons and employers will be offered under the a.s.r. brand. With this step, a.s.r. wants to further strengthen its brand. A national campaign to make this public is starting today.

Apart from the name change, nothing will change. Customers will retain the products and be able to continue to count on the service they are used to, but will receive information about their insurance policies in the name of a.s.r. from now on. Nothing will change for intermediaries either. They will retain the same contacts at a.s.r. and can also continue to count on the support they are used to.

Hella de Weger, Brand & Positioning Manager at a.s.r: ‘Today we are starting a campaign about the name change. De Amersfoortse and a.s.r. have been on the same team for a long time: we have been working from the same building for years and know one another through and through. Only the name on the policy was different. For a team that is so well matched, it’s only logical to carry the same name. In our campaign, we use a football team as a metaphor. A team that is perfectly in tune with one another, but where it is not clear who belongs to which team. And that is why we’re all wearing the same a.s.r. shirt now.’ 

The name change is the next step in further strengthening the a.s.r. brand. From now on, a.s.r. will also offer products and services under its own brand in the field of sustainable employability and thus wants to become even more relevant to employers and self-employed persons. 

The campaign can be heard and seen from today on radio, TV, online and social media and in bus shelters. 

Credits campaign
Strategy and creation: TheMerge
Media: Media Reverse

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