news and press Press releases a.s.r. developed a Green Finance Framework
Press Utrecht 24 August 2022 07:00 EU/Amsterdam

a.s.r. developed a Green Finance Framework

a.s.r. has developed a Green Finance Framework to enable the future issuance of green bonds. This financing will be used to invest in sustainable projects, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, green buildings and clean transportation. This step is in line with a.s.r.'s ambition to play a significant role in making the society and environment more sustainable.

Sustainable energy

The Green Finance Framework of a.s.r. is characterized by strict criteria for the asset allocation of proceeds of a green bond. With the application of a maximum refinancing look-back period of only two years for all asset classes, a.s.r. gives investors certainty that the proceeds of a future green bond from a.s.r. will be used for recently purchased and/or future sustainable investments. All proceeds will be allocated within two years. 

Ewout Hollegien, CFO a.s.r.: ‘a.s.r.’s Green Finance Framework plays an important role in the fulfilment of our ambitions as an insurer and investor to have a positive impact on society and the environment, and to accelerate the energy transition whilst providing good financial quality bonds. Investors who will invest in a green bond from a.s.r. in the future, will support our ambition to contribute to a more sustainable Netherlands.’

The framework has been externally tested by Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company. It complies with the ICMA Green Bond Principles (GBP) 2021 and takes into account, where possible, the European Green Bond Standard and the EU Taxonomy.

Note to editor: 
The Green Finance Framework and related documentation is available on our website:

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