news and press Press releases a.s.r. creates an exception to invest in the Dutch defense industry
Press Utrecht 09 December 2024 08:00 EU/Amsterdam

a.s.r. creates an exception to invest in the Dutch defense industry

a.s.r. has made a change to its Policy on Responsible Investments, allowing investments in Dutch companies or activities related to the defense industry under strict conditions. This decision follows a call from the Dutch government for institutional investors to provide capital to strengthen the European defense industry.

With this policy change, a.s.r. responds to the call to contribute to a safer world and democratic values through targeted investments. a.s.r. can deviate from its exclusion policy under strict conditions. These conditions are:

Jos Baeten, CEO at a.s.r.: ‘In the current situation, with increasing geopolitical tensions and global stability and security under pressure, there is growing political pressure and societal demand for a strong and robust Dutch and European defense industry. a.s.r. feels a moral responsibility and sees opportunities to contribute through targeted investments within the Netherlands, under strict conditions. We hereby respond to the call from politics and the government to invest in Europe’s security, driven by changing geopolitical circumstances.’

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