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Press Utrecht 31 May 2023 14:40 EU/Amsterdam

Shareholders a.s.r. approve all proposed resolutions at AGM

ASR Nederland N.V.’s (a.s.r.) shareholders approved all proposed resolutions at today's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), including the adoption of the financial statements and the payment of a dividend of € 2.70 per share for the 2022 financial year.

During the AGM Gisella van Vollenhoven and Gerard van Olphen were reappointed as members of the Supervisory Board and after the AGM the Supervisory Board reappointed Ingrid de Swart as a member of the Executive Board. All details of the resolutions approved during the AGM can be found on our website.

Shareholders present and represented at the meeting
At the AGM, a total of 73.08% of the total issued, voting share capital was present or represented by proxy or voting instructions. The voting results will be published for each agenda item later today on our website.



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